Living Tiny, Building Community – An Interview

In the spring of 2016, just about a year ago, Close to Home sold a Tiny House on Wheels to Dorothy in Portland, Oregon. As we think about community issues around tiny homes, we wanted to check in with Dorothy to ask her a few questions about her “tiny” experience.

What were your expectations around “community” regarding living in a tiny home?
Dorothy's Great Room

“I went in expecting that I’d get to know my “landie,” my friend Jenna who lives in the “big house” behind which my tiny dwells, better than I did previously. I also thought I’d entertain friends frequently in my new home of my own, but also spend more time out in the world away expanding my horizons beyond 220 square feet. I also hoped I’d get to know other people living in tiny houses, by virtue of now being in that exclusive club.”

What is the reality of that experience in your first year?

“The increased closeness with Jenna has come to be in a very nice way. While we don’t always run into each other during the course of the day, we’re constantly lending each other things, I am able to take care of my laundry in her basement, and our proximity has given us more opportunities to spend time together, like occasional dinners. We’ve become better friends in our non-home-related social life, too. Funnily enough, though, I would say I haven’t used the house to entertain as much as I expected. In fact, I probably spend more time at home than I did before, alone. It’s so nice to have a place that’s all my own to come back to and feel restored. I started a bit of a crazy job around the time I moved into the tiny so I think that’s given me a greater desire to be on my own in my off hours, and less stamina for entertaining and being out and about.

I have also enjoyed being part of a couple of tiny house related Facebook groups in Portland and it’s been a good forum for advice and seeing other people’s beautiful ideas and designs. I haven’t engaged as much in person as I’d hoped, but I would like to as I have a bit more free time.”

A meal at home
What are your hopes/expectations for the future regarding how community looks in your world of “tiny”?

“I’d like to have more friends over to the house. I have the capacity to entertain a few people at once and I’d like to take better advantage of that. I’d also like to attend more meet-ups or events for tiny house owners, even though I know it will probably give me tiny house envy!”

The Close to Home Team loves this commentary! A tiny home is providing a big solution here – a connection to community but with privacy and a sense of peace too.

Thanks, Dorothy, for sharing your experience with us!


Tags: building community, community living, living tiny, micro homes, Portland tiny homes, small houses, THOW, THOWS, tiny communities, tiny home on wheels, tiny house on wheels, tiny living, tiny village