Bunkie Monarche Deluxe with Extension kit in wooded setting - small prefab home - micro home - studio home

Make Our Knowledge Work for You

At Close to Home we love innovative housing ideas and matching our clients with the perfect product for your needs. We understand the importance of “home” – whether you are buying a tiny home for yourself, are interested in an accessory dwelling unit for your backyard, are a community leader coming to us for housing post-disaster or are interested in tiny homes as a solution for homelessness.

We delight in getting to know our designers & builders and learning from them about their products and their vision for small homes. Whether they are most passionate about sustainability, affordability, design, or empowering the “DIY” nature in all of us, we welcome their contributions to our marketplace. We understand that there is no one size fits all solution to the various needs for housing.

Our understanding and appreciation of the products that we represent – in conjunction with our interest in learning about your specific needs and wants – allows us to provide you with the best possible product match at a price point that will work for you. In addition, we are able to offer custom designs for your specific community needs. We harness the power of innovation to address the need for housing in your community.

In the end it’s all about working collaboratively toward positive ends in the ever-growing “tiny” community. We do believe that tiny living can provide big solutions, for individuals and for communities as well.


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We Can Help with Your Community Rebuild

We’ve seen it time and time again after a disaster. Homes have been destroyed and people need to be housed.

And the questions begin:
  • How many people need housing and for how long?
  • What are the possibilities and constraints?
  • What is the budget?
  • How does volunteer labor impact these parameters?
  • With time and resources as a premium, how best to proceed?

While each community has specific needs, all communities navigate similar obstacles.

With our consultation services you won’t need to reinvent the wheel. We’ll guide you through the process and create a housing plan for your community.

We provide:
  • Community/resident needs assessment
  • Shelter design comparison and/or custom housing solutions
  • Site planning

We are passionate about keeping people close to home – in the community that needs to be rebuilt, ensuring that you can build back stronger than before.

Let us know how we can help.